Black Ant Bites

Black ants are mainly docile but adapt a defensive stance when provoked.

Do black ants bite? Black ant bites usually happen as a defensive reaction of the black ants when their nests are threatened.

Black ants are mainly docile but adapt a defensive stance when provoked.

Black ants particularly carpenter ants bite and break the skin of the bitten person because carpenter ants are big. The bite can also cause pain when accompanied by a spray of defensive chemical.

Black ants can also bite other insects and other ant species whenever they are threatened.

Are black ant bites painful?

Another kind of black ant, the black imported fire ant can deliver a much painful and dangerous bite.

The pain caused by the black fire ant is sharp and also generates a burning sensation, nausea, severe itching, throat pain and severe headache which will require medical attention. The bite of black garden ants are the least painful of all the black ant bites.

How to treat black ant bites

Some black ant bites can cause itchiness but others may not. A bitten individual may also experience an allergic reaction but others may not. Those allergic to black fire ants will not only feel itchiness but also develop pustules and other complications.

Hydrocortisone or Benadryl cream can be applied to black ant bites to minimize itching and suppress swelling. It is advised to avoid scratching of area that was bitten. Very small black ant bites may hurt but are not dangerous.

Aside from the discomfort given by black ant bites, black ants can also cause some damage to property. They are known to have a complicated nesting habit and a complex life cycle, making them a nuisance that must be controlled.

Black carpenter ants live in colonies equivalent to thousands of ants. The large worker ants are known to inject formic acid into the bitten person. However, this kind of ants rarely bite humans and instead aggressively attack other ants that enter their territory.

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